Wise Insurance

Any other special features?

Any other special features?

The Russian legislation regulates the question of truck/trailer liability in different way as in most other countries – truck and trailer, even connected to each other, are considered as 2 different independent vehicles. The owner (or owners) of both vehicles (truck and trailer) are responsible for any damage caused by the specific vehicle. In case of an accident occurred under participation of the truck and trailer the payment has to be made under the insurance contract of the vehicle (truck or trailer) that has directly contacted the vehicle (or any other kind of property) of the third party that lead to the occurrence of damage.

The circumstances of the accident are to be determined on the basis of police report (or on the basis of the accident statement - if the procedure of simplified accident’ reporting is used) - if there is indicated that the main damage was caused by the trailer (e.g. by backing run) the payment will be made by the trailer’ insurer; if both vehicles have directly contacted the damaged vehicle, the indemnification will be paid by both insurers in 50/50 ratio.

An exception of this rule is a particular situation which was specially considered by The Russian Supreme court on 29.01.2015 – if the truck was insured while trailer was not, the payment has to be made under the insurance policy of the truck (irrespective of the vehicle indicated as liable in the police report).

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